cdcontainers  0.1.1
Library of data containers and collections for C programming language.
cdcontainers Directory Reference


directory  adapters
directory  tables


file  array.h [code]
 The cdc_array is a struct and functions that provide a dynamic array.
file  avl-tree.h [code]
 The cdc_avl_tree is a struct and functions that provide an avl tree.
file  binomial-heap.h [code]
 The cdc_binomial_heap is a struct and functions that provide a binomial heap.
file  casts.h [code]
file  cdc.h [code]
file  circular-array.h [code]
 The cdc_circular_array is a struct and functions that provide a circular array.
file  common.h [code]
file  data-info.h [code]
file  global.h [code]
file  hash-table.h [code]
 The cdc_hash_table is a struct and functions that provide a hash table.
file  hash.h [code]
 This file contains different utilities for hashing. The ideas of algorithms were borrowed from the boost library.
file  heap.h [code]
 The cdc_heap is a struct and functions that provide a binary heap.
file  list.h [code]
 The cdc_list is a struct and functions that provide a doubly linked list.
file  pairing-heap.h [code]
 The cdc_pairing_heap is a struct and functions that provide a pairing heap.
file  splay-tree.h [code]
 The cdc_splay_tree is a struct and functions that provide a splay tree.
file  status.h [code]
file  treap.h [code]
 The cdc_treap is a struct and functions that provide a cartesion tree.
file  tree-utils.h [code]